Newsletter with TYPO3

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In TYPO3 it is possible to send newsletters via the direct mail extension. The handling is very simple. In principle, a newsletter is nothing more than a normal TYPO3 page that you send via the extension. Further possibilities, advantages and more information are described in the following article.


Advantages of TYPO3 Newsletters

  • the functionality is subject - like all TYPO3 extensions - to the licensing conditions of the GPL v2 and is thus free of charge.
  • All data remain on the own web server and are thus used properly according to data protection law.
  • the newsletter and website presentation are uniform, as the same templates can be used.
  • there are no restrictions on the design of the newsletter.
  • The contents of the newsletter can be created by editors in the same way as page contents of the website. No training in another system is required.
  • Data from the website can be automatically transferred to the newsletter (e.g. news). No double maintenance necessary.
  • Inversely, contents of the newsletter can be provided as a page on the website and thus improve the content quality not only for search engines.
  • the newsletter can be used for addressing users of a login-protected area.

2. configure settings

In the second step, you can configure numerous settings or overwrite default settings. These include the subject line, sender and reply name and address, HTML and/or text format, language, image handling (send images or just link them), etc.


3. assign categories

In the third step, you can play out different content elements to recipients with different characteristics (e.g. interests, categorisation, etc.). This feature is particularly noteworthy and should not be confused with different distribution lists. You can use it to send a dynamic newsletter that displays different content depending on the recipient's categorisation.


4. send out a test newsletter

You can now send as many test newsletters as you like. You should also make use of this and test the display in different web clients (,, etc.) and mail programmes (Outlook, Thunderbird, Smartpnones, etc.).


5. start newsletter dispatch

In the last step, you can specify the distribution lists to which the newsletter is to be sent and then trigger the dispatch. The newsletter is sent out in a certain time staggered denomination. For example, 50 mails are sent every 15 minutes. It is important to check with the provider whether this procedure is in accordance with the mail guidelines. For example, there are providers who limit the number of mails that can be sent (e.g. 400 per day).


TYPO3 sample newsletter

Below are some examples of newsletters we have developed:


Legal aspects

If you would like to use newsletters, please observe the following rules:


  • Double-OptIn. You can implement the double opt-in function via the Powermail extension.
  • Collect only data from visitors that you really need (GDPR principle of data minimisation).
  • offer the possibility of simple unsubscription (e.g. through a link in the footer)
  • with every newsletter.
  • send your provider identification (see imprint) with every newsletter.

Tips for sending newsletters

To make a newsletter really successful, we have some recommendations for you:


  • The subject is very important and usually decides whether a newsletter goes straight to the wastepaper basket or is opened. Get to the heart of the newsletter content here with 20-40 characters.
  • The pre-header is used by many mobile devices as a preview. Do NOT repeat the subject here. Instead, use a maximum of 100 characters to expand/supplement the information in the subject.
  • Use alt tag for images. Many mail programs do not display images by default(only after activation by the user), instead the text is displayed in the alt tag.
  • keep texts as short as possible and link to a web page instead.
  • keep the layout professionally simple so that as many mail programs as possible display the content correctly.
  • The font must never be too small (happens quickly on smartphones).
  • Be sure to use correct spelling.
  • Choose the correct time to send, which depends heavily on the target audience.
  • Test the display in different webmailers(google, gmx,, T-online, etc.) and mail programmes(Outlook, Thunderbird, Apple, etc.).
  • Check your newsletter for SPAM suspicion

TYPO3 Support

Do you need help working with TYPO3? Would you like to set up a newsletter, perform a update or are you just looking for advice for now? As a TYPO3 agency we are happy to support you. We take care of the technical tasks so that you can fully concentrate on the further development and sustainable success of your website.